This is all about the POWER of you!



Powerfully Inspiring:
Networking Knowledge & Kindness

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Support and building up of women
in and from all walks of life

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Because when women support
each other great things happen!

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To women who want to be empowered, inspire, and who want TO inspire and empower…

PINKK is the first of its kind engagement, networking and mentoring brand platform that will provide you with resources to succeed, inspire & exchange knowledge to make a difference to make the world a kinder more abundant, secure place for all women today and into the future

In these newly challenging and disruptive times (and even in times of great peace) we can all work together, inclusively to better this world dynamic by being of service to one another. In doing so we can help other women in meaningful ways!

Premise: The underlying principle enabling this approach to work is that in a very divided space one of the great insights is that nothing brings us together as a community more than helping others… and creating success stories that are relatable.

We are proud to announce we are winner of the 2022 GOODY AWARD for WOMEN in BUSINESS for making a social impact! Available now on Amazon!